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Open Show, 12 May 2018 - Results
Judge: Ms Zoe Stirk (Grakar)
Stafford Showground
Entries: 22 / Absent: 1
Best In Show:
Menage -Kandrelli Button Quail at Goldenacre
Reserve Best In Show:
Andrews/Blades - Eldarrah Clash of Kings for Antdela
Best Puppy in Show:
Weemaes Wonderful Remark
Reserve Best Puppy in Show:
Smith- Foulby Niamh at Leonardstown (ai)
Best Bitch:
Menage Kandrelli Button Quail at Goldenacre
Reserve Best Bitch:
Walker /Roberts- Gloi Donn a Kind of Magic
Best Dog:
Andrews/Blades - Eldarrah Clash of Kings for Antdela
Reserve Best Dog:
Twist- Gloi Donn all that Jazz ShCM
Best Veteran:
Mould/ Bird/ Andrews- Antdela Aero in Koolwaters
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