Privacy Policy
Privacy Statement of the I.W.S.A.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018) the following Privacy Statement confirms how we will handle your data, what data we will hold and why.
Why we hold your data - To be able to communicate with you. This includes email updates of IWSA activities and events and mailing out the Yearbook and Annual General Meeting documentation as appropriate.
Whose data do we hold – All fully paid up Members as submitted by them either on paper or electronically.
What data do we hold - Currently we will hold personal data which includes your; name, address, telephone number/s and email address/es.
Where is the data stored - This information is stored as a paper copy of your Membership application form and a copy of the completed G.D.P.R. Consent Form in 2018 where applicable. This paper information is held solely by the Treasurer. Your personal contact information is also stored on a secure computer (password protected) in a secure database of Members.
Who has access to your data - Only those Officers and Committee members of the IWSA who require the information to enable them to carry out their duties or role responsibilities for the Association and its Members. All Officers and Committee of the IWSA are fully aware of their obligations to abide by the G.D.P.R. at all times when handling Members personal data.
**Members’ details are also printed in the Members’ Yearbook. Please bear in mind when indicating your preferences to be included in the Yearbook that copies are sometimes made available to contributors who are not necessarily IWSA Members. Copies may also be submitted to the Kennel Club and may also be sold or given to other interested parties.
When - Members’ data is only held electronically for as long as it is relevant to their current Membership subscription and securely removed or destroyed as appropriate when it has expired.
(Updated 25 September 2020)